# LiST for Bulk Research Group
To facilitate working with growth runs with several samples and samples that are prepared before growth instrument or date are known, a dedicated User Interface for the Bulk Research Group has been developed. It is accessible when a bulk researcher or faculty is connected to LiST

A direct link is also available:
### Bulk Table View
The Bulk User Interface displays samples in a table view which is described [here](user-guide/bulk/bulk-table-view).
### Creating Samples and Growth Runs
The following [how-to](user-guide/bulk/how-to) describes how to create the different types of samples and instrument runs specific to the bulk research group.
### Managing Materials, Raw Materials and Atomic Weights
The list of all materials is available in the [customizing section](user-guide/customizing/materials). If there is a raw material missing or the molar weight is not available, it can be added or updated there.

### Sample Lifecycle
All Bulk Samples are also accessible in the Project View. After-growth activities are recorded there and all growth and preparation activities are accessible, too, so that the complete Sample Lifecycle is accessible and can be shared with collaborators or users.