PSU Bagger
- This script may be used to convert any directory into an APTrust bag. It will bag in-place, not output a new directory. As of 2017-11-15, it must be run as the sudo user.
- The following arguments must be used for the script to work.
for the identifier of the content being bagged -
for the name of the content being bagged -
for the absolute path to the content being bagged
- Minimal output will be directed to the terminal, verbose logging is in
- Example usage:
sudo ./ -i pstsc_01417 -n "Three Mile Island Records" -p /mnt/preservationii/bagging/pstsc_01417
- This script will do everything above, but also send the bag to APTrust.
- This script needs to be updated to use the APTrust member API. psuBagger adds the bag ID to a text file. eraserBagger checks those IDs against what has been ingested at APTrust. When a bag is fully ingested, eraserBagger will remove the bag from staging.
APTrust Partner Tools require a configuration file for each user (
) to be established in advance. - bagit-python will need to be separately downloaded to