Finishing up the styling
EDIT 3/22
breakpoints - mobile friendly -
mobile - push what's not here as the last box? (see #345 (closed)) -
Update style: #227 (comment 80275) -
whitespace: #300 (closed) -
different font options for titles of blocks -
slightly smaller font size for results
To-do abstracted from Nathan V's recent feedback.
Remove anchor links -
Drop white background from (class "1-main"?) behind boxes, leaving gray space on which white-backgrounded boxes sit. (moved to #336 (closed)) -
Separate sidebar boxes - @bzk60 -
Rearrange results fields to match Nathan V's layout here: (but put Type on the right, in order to allow for multiple types) -
In Books & Media, comment out location field until we can figure out best way to display it - @bzk60 -
See images below for Articles, Books, News, Website. Match except for bottom section/link to results (leave that as is). -
Square off sidebar and "What's Not Here" to match the square blocks below. -
Change sidebar and "What's Not Here" header text to same font as blocks below (only change font, not contrast) -
Availability dot colors: available = green, in process = orange, ill = blue, checked out = red
Following layout for Articles, Books, News, Website:
Edited by Charlie Morris