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Other labels 28

  • Label to track all ArgoCD Migration tasks.
  • bug
    EIT-SWE / Infrastructure
  • continuous delivery
    EIT-SWE / Infrastructure
  • critical
    EIT-SWE / Infrastructure
  • discussion
    EIT-SWE / Infrastructure
  • IAM is requesting the ability to look up a Sponsor in DIMC and see all the accounts that the user is sponsoring. They suggested another left nav tab to access this information. We will need to design the new display, but I imagine we will display similar information to what we show when someone is sponsored.
  • The Cost Of Living costs have become more granular. The current set up is there is one set of costs per category. The new set up is the cost of living is based on campus and categories: On campus without dependents On Campus with dependents Off-Campus With Parents
  • IAM has requested that we remove citizenship/visa from CPR. We will need to notify CPR users of our changes and make sure they don't use it in their system. We also display it in DIMC, so it will need to be removed from DIMC. We will need to check if it's also being displayed in Accounts.
  • Migrate from storing/propagating an overall (ALL) confidentiality type to distinctive EMPLOYEE and FERPA confidentiality hold types that make it clear in which system (Employee and/or Student) a person has asserted a confidentiality hold.
  • Out of Scope
    Identifies Out of Scope work taken on during a sprint that potentially blocks or delays sprint tasking.