# Pushing Content to PMP
To push a new story to the PMP, create and edit your new post as you would any other. When you are ready to publish your post, click the "Publish" button as you normally would. Note that you can't push the post to the PMP until it's published on your site.

If you would like to push the post to the PMP, click the "Push to PMP" button in the **PMP: Document information** meta box after your post is published. Note that as you push the post to the PMP you have options to [assign it to a Group, Series, or Property](/docs/

Once your post is published, if you make changes to it in WordPress and would like to push your changes to the PMP, click the "Push to PMP" button located in the **PMP: Document information** meta box. Note that the PMP guid for the post is displayed in the meta box (actually only part of the guid is displayed), with a link to the story on the PMP portal.

After pushing a post to the PMP it will appear on that platform within seconds where other PMP users can discover and reuse it, depending on the permissions you set for it.

Note that any WordPress Tags you add to the post will be pushed to the PMP. Likewise if you assign a Group, Series, or Property to the post they will become part of the data associated with the post when pushed to the PMP.