LiST for Bulk Research Group
To facilitate working with growth runs with several samples and samples that are prepared before growth instrument or date are known, a dedicated User Interface for the Bulk Research Group has been developed. It is accessible when a bulk researcher or faculty is signed into LiST
A direct link is also available:
Bulk Table View
The Bulk User Interface displays samples in a table view which is described here.
Creating Samples and Growth Runs
The following how-to describes how to create the different types of samples and instrument runs specific to the bulk research group.
Managing Materials, Raw Materials and Atomic Weights
The list of all materials is available in the customizing section. If there is a raw material missing or the molar weight is not available, it can be added or updated there.
Sample Lifecycle
All Bulk Samples are also accessible in the Project View. After-growth activities are recorded there and all growth and preparation activities are accessible, too, so that the complete Sample Lifecycle is accessible and can be shared with collaborators or users.