Uploading Characterization Data
LiST is monitoring folders on the 2DCC Team Sharepoint site and integrates all characterization data.
This only works when the samples exist in LiST, if no sample can be found, an import task is created, and the import is attempted again after some days.
Characterization activities are created automatically but not submitted. So, you have the possibility to review (and correct) the uploaded data before submitting it.
All upload folders contain a sub folder per characterization instrument. Characterization files should be placed in a folder named after the Sample ID. This could look like this:
LiST need to identify:
- The Sample ID
- The Characterization instrument used
- and the characterization date.
There are a number of ways that is handled in the different research groups.
- Using a characterization ID as folder name. A Characterization ID has the form {Char Instrument}_{Sample I}_{Characterization Date}, e.g. ARP1_MBE1-230101A-AR_230115 for a MBE1 sample made on 1/1/2023 and characterized on 1/15/2023.
- Using a folder hierarchy, with a folder per characterization instrument and one per Sample, e.g.
+ RMN1
+ MCV1-230101A-CC_230105
for a sample made using MOCVD1 on 1/1/23 and characterized on 1/15/2023 using Raman 1
Research Group specific folders
The research groups within 2DCC keep their own SharePoint folders where all characterization data is stored. LiST read the following folders:
- Bulk (Dr. Mao) - https://pennstateoffice365.sharepoint.com/sites/2DCC/Bulk%20Lab
- MOCVD (Dr. Redwing) - https://pennstateoffice365.sharepoint.com/sites/2DCC/MOCVD%20Lab
- MBE (Dr. Samarth, Dr. Chang) - https://pennstateoffice365.sharepoint.com/sites/2DCC/2DCC%20Data
- MBE / Hybrid MBE (Dr. Law) - https://pennstateoffice365.sharepoint.com/sites/2DCC/MBE%20Lab%20MSC
LiST will also process characterizations of samples of other groups, so when samples get transferred between the research groups,
there is no need to store characterization data on the share for research group where the sample was made.
Other than those group-specific folders there is also a general upload folder where characterization data can be placed:
Upload Folder on SharePoint
File Upload Records
LiST keeps a record for all files in the upload folder.
It shows all files put in the upload folder, and which files could not be processed.
Entries in this table are kept for 30 days, errors are kept until they are deleted.
When LiST cannot identify a sample, files get moved to the ErrorFolder (Subfolder of the Upload folder). If it was just a sample that did not exist at the time of uploading, you can move the files back into the Upload folder after creating the sample.